- Eat dry crackers or toast before getting out of bed.
- Eat ice chips to calm spasms.
- Eat 5-6 small meals each day instead of 3 regular sized meals. Going long periods without foods worsens nausea
- Drink fluids between meals, sipping water works best. Over filling your stomach triggers nausea.
- Eat bland, starchy foods like bread, bagels, English muffins, pasta, potatoes, rice and crackers.
- Eat low fat, high protein foods such as lean meats, eggs and boiled beans.
- Avoid greasy and fried foods such as margarine, mayonnaise, bacon, gravies, pie crust, pastries, fried meats and French fries.
- Odors can be a powerful trigger. Open windows and use the exhaust fan when cooking. Smelling fresh lemons may reduce nausea.
- Avoid brushing your teeth immediately after eating.